“And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”
In Romans 8: 22 we read that whole of creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. This is a consequence of sin in the world. The perfect world that God made was invaded by death and everything became chaotic, random and arbitrary. The relationship between man and the other creatures was also damaged and God told Noah that the world was still damaged by sin even though He had saved Noah and his family from the Flood. There are always consequences to every action we take and we can never avoid the consequences even though God is slow to anger (Psalm 103: 8). The consequence that we have to be most concerned about is the one discussed in Matthew 10: 28. The final consequence of sin is suffering all the eternal torments of hell. It is okay to believe whatever you want to believe but if you don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour you are taking a great risk. He is the door for the sheep and He is the only way for people to find eternal security without any fear of the eternal torments of hell.
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(The view expressed in this blog are my own and should not be taken as inspired in any way.)
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