Saturday, April 14, 2012

Israel's faithful God

 “This web site is designed to spread the vicious truth about the Bible.  For far too long priests and preachers have completely ignored the vicious criminal acts that the Bible promotes.  The so called “God” of the Bible makes Osama Bin Laden look like a Boy Scout.  This God, according to the Bible, is directly responsible for many mass-murders, rapes, pillage, plunder, slavery, child abuse and killing, not to mention the killing of unborn children.[i]
The above quote was taken from a website with the sub heading “Fighting Against the Immorality in Religion”. When we read something like this we may be faced with a crisis in faith. How do we answer this kind of question if someone asks us?
On the other hand, Moses said that the commandment, which came from the Lord, where not hidden or a long way away. The people didn’t have to go up to heaven or beyond the sea but the word was very near, in each person’s mouth and heart[ii]. While this was written about the Law that had just been given to the new generation of Israelis who were ready to enter the Promised Land, it is logical to apply this to all the books of Moses. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke to his disciples and told them that no one would enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless they were willing to be humble and become like a little child[iii]. This would lead us to believe that the message the Lord gave to us in the Bible is simple and easy to understand. Therefore there must be simple answer to this paradox.
During the reigns of Kings Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam 11 of Israel both these countries experienced a period of peace and prosperity[iv]. While the people were congratulating themselves on how good they were and how much they deserved this prosperity, the Lord sent prophets to call them back to Himself. Isaiah was one of these prophets and he saw the destruction of the city of Samaria. He prophesied to Judah but he also had messages for Israel. He gave a message to the “drunkards of Ephraim” and told them that the Lord would judge them[v]. They thought that they understood everything but they had forgotten the Lord’s true knowledge and needed to learn this again. The Lord told them that they had to carefully study his word; they would have to study “order upon order, line upon line, here a little there a little”[vi]. This means that we can carefully study the words of the Bible, in order, to discover what is written there for our information and we can take that as God’s truth.
The first chapter of the Bible tells us about the beginning but it was also given to introduce us to the Lord God so that we might know His role in creation. We discover that God was there before the beginning and that He made everything from nothing. The first verse acts as a heading to the first section. This verse gives a simple statement telling us about God and His creation and the rest of the chapter expounds how that happened. God Himself wrote the first section of the Bible, in the same way that the Law was written by the Lord’s hand, the first time[vii].
The words “God said...” appear 10 times in Genesis 1[viii], this tells us that God is active and that God speaks. After God speaks we see the words: “God saw... was good” 6 times[ix] and, when God was finally finished we see, “God saw... it was very good”[x]. We can learn from this that when God acts the consequences are good. In fact Moses wrote about God, “His work is perfect”[xi]. We can conclude from both God’s and Moses’ evidence that God only does perfect things.
As we move into Genesis chapter 2 we find that God finished His creation on the seventh day and then He rested from the work of creation. God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it[xii]. We then come across the sentence, “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created,”[xiii] This sentence, if one believes the Tablet Theory of P. J. Wiseman and D.J. Wiseman, contains a “colophon phrase” demonstrating that it is the end of an ancient tablet[xiv]. The second tablet actually beings in the middle of verse 4. The second tablet ends with the phrase, “This is the book of the generations of Adam.”[xv] Adam wrote the majority of Genesis 2 and that contains his memory of creation. As Adam was only there on the sixth day, he wasn’t in a good position to give the history of the first five days so he didn’t. This means that there are no contradictions between Genesis 1 and 2 but there are two accounts of creation: God’s and Adam’s.
Among other things, Adam gave an account of his relationship with the Lord God. He told us that God formed him out of the dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils[xvi]. After the Lord God made Adam into a living soul, He put him the Garden of Eden to care for it. Then the Lord God gave Adam a command telling him not to eat the fruit of a particular tree. If we examine this command we see that the Lord actually gave Adam a choice. For the Lord told Adam what would happen if he ate fruit from that tree. This first command defines the Lord’s commandments to us. He doesn’t force us to accept His goodness but we are bound by the consequences of whatever choice we make. There is one overriding issue, “The Lord is gracious and merciful; Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.”[xvii] While the Lord will give us the consequences of our choice, He will take His time to give us a chance to repent and confess that we have chosen to reject His recommendation.
There is another issue to consider when we are discussing the way that the Lord deals with the choices that we make. “Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments; but repays those who hate Him to their faces, to destroy them; He will not delay with him who hates Him, He will repay him to his face.”[xviii] The Lord is faithful and will deal faithfully with those who choose to follow His recommendations. On the other hand, the Lord is also faithful with those who choose to reject His recommendations. There is no integrity in giving someone a choice and then protecting that person from the consequences if he or she makes, what we believe is, the wrong choice. However, because the Lord is slow to anger, He gives individuals time to reconsider the choice they have made. At first, He will allow us to experience the consequences of our choice in a small way so that we can make sure that we really want those consequences. If we choose to accept the Lord’s recommendation then we will come under His perfect ways, ways that are ordered and predictable. If we choose not to accept the Lord’s recommendation then we will revert to the formless void, that is chaos, and dwell in darkness[xix].
At that stage the Lord God and Adam were friends. We know this because the Lord only speaks face to face with someone who is His friend[xx]. After He made Adam, the Lord warned Adam about eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This showed that the Lord was treating Adam with integrity allowing him to understand that there were consequences for that action. Next, the Lord gave Adam the opportunity to give names to all the living creatures. Not only was Adam the Lord’s friend at that stage, he was also a living soul, that is, a spiritual being made in God’s own image. The Lord saw that Adam was alone and He decided that Adam needed a companion so He made a companion for Adam and Adam was allowed to give her a name as well. The second chapter of Genesis ends with everything at peace. The Lord saw that everything He had made was very good and He rested. The Lord and Adam were friends and Adam was not alone but had a companion who was suitable for him.
The serpent came into this idyllic scene determined to cause destruction. He was determined to make himself greater than God and rule the world in the Lord’s place. His first step was to attack where he saw a weakness. Eve wasn’t there when God gave Adam the first command and we assume that Adam didn’t give her all the information. The serpent, Satan, is the father of lies[xxi]. Satan’s specialty is making lies rather than telling outright lies. He uses a part of the truth and then manufactures a lie. In that case, Satan made Eve doubt that the Lord was acting faithfully and with integrity when He told them not to take of the fruit of the tree that was in the middle of the garden. The tempter was crafty as he seduced Eve. First he told her that she would not die, this was a direct contradiction of what the Lord told Adam. Instead he impugned the Lord’s integrity by suggesting that Eve’s eyes would be opened and she would become like God. Satan didn’t want Eve to become like God, he wanted to become like God himself[xxii]. When Eve looked at the fruit, she believed that she would be wise so she took the fruit and ate it. The real temptation was to be able to define what was good and what was evil rather than trust the Lord to provide the correct definition of what was good and what was evil[xxiii]. At this stage, tension entered the creation history; a tension between God’s heavenly definition of good and evil and Satan’s earthy definition of good and evil, that is, an image bearing the image of the man of the earth[xxiv]. This tension remains for the rest of time and will not be resolved until there is a new heaven and a new earth[xxv].
We discover, later, that Adam and Eve hid themselves because they knew that they were naked and they didn’t want the Lord God to see them in that state[xxvi]. We can assume that Adam and Eve were expecting the Lord to come and meet with them because they made coverings for their nakedness and they hid among the tree of the garden. We know, from elsewhere in the Bible, that the Lord is omnipresent and knew what was happening[xxvii]. However, the Lord offered Adam a choice and gave him the freedom to make that choice without interference. This is because the Lord is faithful to His word and will not interfere when we make decisions. Adam had all the information that he needed and he was close enough to take the fruit so he must have observed the whole incident without making any effort to interfere and protect Eve from the serpent’s attack. It is important to notice, at that stage, the Lord was not involved in the incident at all. Therefore the Lord is entirely innocent of any consequences of this decision.
The next question that we have to consider is, “Was the serpent correct when he told Eve that she would not die?” We know that Adam lived for 930 years before he died[xxviii]. The Lord said, “or in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.[xxix] On the day that Adam and Eve sinned they immediately knew that they were naked, they were ashamed[xxx] and they were afraid[xxxi]. At that moment they understood that their relationship with the Lord was over, they were no longer friends with God, they were afraid of God. They died spiritually, they also experienced emotional death because we see that Adam blamed Eve and tried to absolve himself of the crime[xxxii]. They were no longer joined together as before but were in competition. They also began the long, slow, painful process of physical death that, in Adam’s case, took less than 930 years. The Lord treated them with grace and gave them time to repent of their sin. The Lord also gave them time to produce children for He promised Eve that one of her descendants would bruise the serpent’s head[xxxiii].
Adam and Eve clothed themselves with fig leaves after they sinned to hide their nakedness. However fig leaves do not last for a long time so the Lord God made a coat of skins to clothe them. It is impossible to take the skin from an animal without killing the animal so we know that the Lord killed the animals before He took their skins to clothe Adam and Eve. In this way, some animals died on the day that Adam and Eve sinned. So even though Adam and Eve did not die physically on the day that they sinned, they just started the long process of physical death, the Lord did sacrifice the animals to provide them garments of skins. This is the first time that the concept of substitution is introduced into the Bible. Paul said, “but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.”[xxxiv] After this, the Lord was willing to accept sacrifices for sin.
From this point forward the Bible became the story of redemption. It explains how the Lord God, who was wronged in the Fall, planned to affect reconciliation with the descendants of Adam and Eve. After the Fall, Adam and Eve were give the consequences of their choice. They rejected the peaceful world that God gave them and lost the rest that came on the seventh day when God rested from His work of creation. No longer was Adam the custodian of the garden, he had to battle with the ground to produce his food, his life became a constant struggle with thorns and thistles and he could look forward to returning to the ground[xxxv].
The struggle that began on the day that Adam and Eve sinned continued in the lives of their children. Eve’s first child was called Cain, she believed this son would be the promised son who would bruise the serpent’s head because she said, “I have gotten a manchild with the help of the Lord.[xxxvi] In time Cain and his brother Abel grew to the stage where they had to struggle with the ground as well. Cain grew crops and Abel looked after flocks. The brothers decided that they would bring an offering to the Lord and they brought from the fruit of their struggle[xxxvii]. The Lord regarded Abel’s offering but He didn’t regard Cain’s offering. Cain was very angry after this. The Lord did not regard Cain’s offering because He preferred animal sacrifices to crop sacrifices; the Lord looked into the hearts of both men and saw that one came in pride while the other came in humility.[xxxviii]
After this Cain was extremely angry and his face fell, he made no effort to hide his emotions. The Lord saw that Cain was angry and, in grace came and spoke to Cain. The Lord asked Cain why he was angry and reminded him that he would be accepted if he did well. We can see, from this, that the Lord had examined Cain’s attitude and knew that he came with a proud heart. The Lord also told him that sin was waiting to come and take possession of his life but he had the choice to rule over this sin. Cain decided that he would not accept the Lord recommendation and he allowed sin to master him rather than mastering sin. Cain took his brother out into the fields and killed him. God gave Cain an extra curse for his refusal to master his sin. The ground would no longer give him any food and he would wander on the earth for the rest of his life. We also discover that there were other people on the earth at that time and we assume that they were also children of Adam and Eve. Cain made a choice and he was bound by the consequences of that choice but the Lord was entirely innocent of that crime. In fact, the Lord even warned Cain that he could overcome the urge to kill his brother if he chose to.
We find out that the choice of earthy wisdom, dictated, primarily by what I believe is good for me, works its way through the population. Cain was a killer and was protected by God but, before long, there was another killer[xxxix] who boasted to his wives that he had killed a man. He also proclaimed that he was superior to Cain by suggesting that he would avenged eleven times Cain’s vengeance[xl].
Things progressed downhill from that point as the people on the earth became progressively more selfish and the Lord finally decided that He would destroy all the people on the earth[xli]. While all this was happening Adam and Eve had another son called Seth. One of his descendants, Enoch, so pleased the Lord that the Lord saved him from the long, painful, slow process of physical death and took him away from the earth[xlii]. When the Lord decided to destroy the earth, He found a good man called Noah[xliii] and decided to continue his plan of redemption. After all, the Lord had made Adam and Eve in His own image so that He could have a relationship with them. This reveals another part of the Lord’s plan, the Lord will only use good men to further his plan of redemption while the Lord allows people who reject his recommendation to be dealt with by the kind of people they have chosen to be themselves.
After the Lord preserved Noah from the destruction of the earth, He continued with His plan of redemption. Sin multiplied but the Lord found a man called Abraham[xliv]. The Lord commanded Abraham to leave the place where he was living and head out to an, as yet unknown, destination. Abraham heard the Lord’s call and set out as the Lord commanded him. In this case, Abraham heard the Lord’s recommendation and chose to accept the Lord’s command. We discover, later, that Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness[xlv]. This leads us to another principle in the way that the Lord God deals with mankind; if we believe God then we are counted as being righteous. Adam and Eve preferred to reject the Lord’s recommendation when the serpent tempted them in the garden, that is, they didn’t believe God. On the other hand, Abraham chose to accept the Lord’s recommendation, that it, he believed God.
When God called Abraham, He told Abraham that his plan was to bless all the families of the earth through Abraham and his descendants. When the Lord God first created living creatures, He blessed the and told them to be fruitful, multiply and fill...[xlvi] The Lord blesses His creatures by giving them room to expand and enjoy all the abundance of His goodness. The Lord’s plan for Abraham was that he should be the source whereby all the families of the earth would have access to the abundance of the Lord’s goodness. This came with believing God and accepting His recommendation. People who choose to bless Abraham and his descendants show that they accept God’s recommendation while people who choose to curse Abraham and his descendants show that they reject God’s recommendation.
In order to continue His plan of redemption, the Lord chose to use Abraham’s descendants because Abraham believed God[xlvii]. The Lord promised Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation and they did, then God used them to be the means of blessing every family on the earth. However, the Lord didn’t change His principles or His basic assumptions. The Lord will only use a good person, that is, a person who believes in Him, to further His plan of redemption. This was the reason that the Lord gave the Law to Israel: so that they could be a shining example of the Lord’s goodness in the earth and then they would draw the families of the earth to Him.
In order for this to happen, Israel had to acknowledge the Lord had the wisdom and authority to recommend a particular way of life to them. This way of life was codified in the Law that the Lord gave to Moses. When Israel was finally ready to enter the Promised Land, the Lord told them that they would have to agree to His contract, or covenant, if they wanted to continue to live in the Promised Land. They agreed to keep the contract[xlviii] and accept the Lord’s recommendation. However, the real issue with the contract wasn’t expressed until the Israelis had been told all the blessings and the curses. “So it shall be when all of these things have come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind in all nations where the Lord your God has banished you, and you return to the Lord your God and obey Him with all your heart and soul according to all that I command you today, you and your sons, then the Lord your God will restore you from captivity, and have compassion on you, and will gather you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you.”[xlix] The Lord used the curses to bring His people to their knees so that they would finally accept His recommendations and submit to His plan of redemption.
This is further supported through the Lord’s words to Jeremiah the prophet. When the Lord, finally reached the stage of giving Israel over to the Babylonians because they had chose to follow the wisdom of the earth rather than the wisdom of heaven, He gave Jeremiah the task of telling the people to accept His plan and submit to it. He told Jeremiah that He remembered the agreement they had made and was intending to send them into exile. However, the force of the message is that the Lord intends to bring His people to the place where they are satisfied with His goodness.[l] No one can be satisfied with the Lord’s goodness unless they first accept the Lord’s recommendations and submit to His plan of redemption, leading to reconciliation.
If we are willing to read Israel’s history in the context of the Lord’s pure character and His plan of redemption, we will never misinterpret the Lord’s intentions or blame Him for things that He has not done. Every time a person refused to accept the Lord’s recommendation and chose to follow the wisdom of the earth, the Lord, in His faithfulness, gave that person the consequences of that choice. The Lord’s anger is not arbitrary or vindictive, it is designed purely to bring a person to the place where they accept His spiritual wisdom and appreciate that His recommendations are best, personally and individually as well as corporately for the whole of mankind. However, even though the Lord is patient and slow to anger, He will eventually allow a person to receive the full consequences of any choice that person had made. If we choose to follow that pathway of earthy wisdom we will become subject to our own selfish desires and well as the selfish desires of other people who have made similar choices. The Lord is not responsible for the choices that we make and is entirely innocent of any consequences that we have chosen. Therefore we can conclude that the statement quoted at the beginning of this paper is wrong, the Lord is entirely innocent of anything that is the consequence of people choosing to reject His recommendations.

[ii] Deuteronomy 30: 11-14.
[iii] Matthew 18: 1-5.
[iv] Brisco, T. V. (1998). Holman Bible atlas. Holman Reference (page 134). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[v] See Isaiah 28.
[vi] Isaiah 28: 10.
[vii] Exodus 24: 12
[viii] Gen 1: 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29.
[ix] Genesis 1: 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 24.
[x] Genesis 1: 31
[xi] Deuteronomy 32: 4.
[xii] Genesis 2: 1-3
[xiii] Genesis 2: 4.
[xiv] Sewell, Curt, ,
[xv] Genesis 5: 1.
[xvi] Genesis 2: 7
[xvii] Psalm 145: 8
[xviii] Deuteronomy 7: 9, 10.
[xix] Compare Romans 1: 21.
[xx] Compare Exodus 33: 11, John 15: 13-15.
[xxi] John 8: 44
[xxii] See Isaiah 14: 12-14
[xxiii] See Genesis 3: 1-6
[xxiv] Compare 1 Corinthians 15: 45-49
[xxv] Revelation 21: 1-5
[xxvi] Genesis 3: 10
[xxvii] See Psalm 139: 7-12.
[xxviii] Genesis 5: 5.
[xxix] Genesis 2: 17; Notice that the verb to eat is singular meaning that they were individually responsible for individual choices that they made.
[xxx] Compare Genesis 2: 25.
[xxxi] Genesis 3: 7, 10.
[xxxii] Genesis 3: 12.
[xxxiii] Genesis 3: 15.
[xxxiv] Romans 5: 20
[xxxv] Genesis 3: 17-19.
[xxxvi] Genesis 4: 1.
[xxxvii] Genesis 4: 2-12
[xxxviii] Compare 1 Samuel 16: 7 and Luke 18: 9-14.
[xxxix] Genesis 4: 23.
[xl] Cain’s vengeance was seven times and Lamech claimed seventy seven times vengeance.
[xli] Genesis 6: 7.
[xlii] Genesis 5: 24.
[xliii] Genesis 6: 8.
[xliv] He was called Abram when the Lord first called him, Genesis 12: 1-3.
[xlv] Genesis 15: 6.
[xlvi] Genesis 1: 22.
[xlvii] Compare Romans 4: 9-16.
[xlviii] See Deuteronomy 27: 11-26, and Joshua 8: 30-35
[xlix] Deuteronomy 30: 1-3.
[l] Jeremiah 31: 14.

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