“And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon
the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.”
Even though the sun and the moon were not made until the fourth day, there was still evening and morning for the first three days. While it is true that “day” may be used to represent a period of time longer than twenty four hours, it is also true that the “fourth day” can only represent a solar day so the the first second and third days can only represent the same period of time. The moon doesn’t have any light of its own but it reflects the glory of the sun during the night. The only thing that stops the moon from shining is the earth’s shadow. This is equally true of our relationship with God; He is glorious and deserves to be given all the glory we can only reflect His glory to those who live in darkness. As long as there is any shadow of the earth between us and our God we will not reflect His full glory on the earth. It is important for us to be filled with wonder at God’s greatness. As soon as we begin to think about what God means to me now we allow the shadow of the earth (self) to block His glory and we allow the darkness to triumph.
If you would like to find out more about God's grace at the beginning you might like to visit http://www.lulu.com/content/799024 and buy a copy of my book “The Scarlet Thread”.
(The view expressed in this blog are my own and should not be taken as inspired in any way.)
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